Thursday, February 4, 2010

Living conditions in England during Victorian age

The living conditions in England during the Victorian era were pretty bad because of the industrial revolution which caused people to change their jobs from farming to working in factories. Although migrating to the city offered better wages, the amount of people that entered the city was massive and caused overcrowding, seasonal employment, and poverty. A major problem caused by accelerated movement of people into cities created and increased the development of horrifying slums and cramped row housing. Due to the slums, cramped housing, and terrible living conditions it wasn’t surprising that diseases like cholera caused by dirty water, consumption (a type of tuberculosis) which killed thousands, and typhus. The living conditions differed from social classes for example the working class they did physical labor in factories with poor conditions leading to negative side effects. Then the middle class had “clean” jobs and the upper class didn’t work at all and lived in luxury.

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